Contact us

Tycoon is happy to give advice on studying abroad for students, parents or anyone who wants to study abroad, learn English and other languages, want to meet new experiences abroad.

Talk to us, Tycoon International Education, it’s FREE!

“Your future education starts here”

For more information

Office hours

  • Monday-Friday
  • 09.00 AM - 05.00 PM (Australia time)

* Note: Due to the situation of Covit-19 The office in Thailand is temporarily closed. For children in Thailand, you can contact via social media.

🇦🇺 Tycoon Melbourne, Australia

Exchange Tower Suite 1213 level 12, 530 Little Coliins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

🇹🇭 Tycoon International Education Co., Ltd.

1093 Thoet Thai Road, Talat Phlu, Thon Buri, Bangkok 10600

🇹🇭 Tycoon Hat Yai, South Thailand

99/25 Moo 7, Soi 21 (Rattanaporn Village), Khlong Hae-Khutao Road, Khlong Hae, Hat Yai District, Songkhla

Planning to study abroad, Consult us